The Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation grants Vedova an attic studio in the Palazzo Carminati: “The walls of the medieval stairs were scored with graffiti like the walls of a prison. [...] At the top, with the help of a ladder, you could look out through a dormer window on Venice from above; how often I used to gaze out on her, talk with her even… in a sometimes stumbling, sometimes strident dialogue! […] Through that place so many painters of the Lagoon had passed, some had killed themselves, some gone mad, the luckier escaped. […] Today that palazzo, after social pressure, is no longer quite the ‘extreme locale’ that it was.”*
* Emilio Vedova, Blätter aus dem Tagebuch, Prestel Verlag, München 1960; translated as Pagine di diario, Galleria Blu editrice, Milan, 1961; reprinted in Italian by Marsilio Editori, Venice, in 2019