In autumn 1958 Vedova goes to Warsaw for the inauguration of his retrospective at the Zachęnta National Gallery, during the International Contemporary Music Festival, and takes the opportunity to travel round Poland.
In June, inaugurates a major retrospective at the Galerie Günter Franke in Munich.
In August exhibits at the international “Vitalità nell'arte” exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi, in Venice (which will travel on to Recklinghausen and Amsterdam), in which he shows a group of L-shaped canvases – direct antecedents of the Plurimi.
In October wins first prize in the 'XI Premio Lissone internazionale per la pittura' which allows him to spend two months travelling in Spain.
Invitated by Arnold Bode, he participates in "II. documenta" – with a personal room.
He returns to Brasil to partecipate to the 5th Bienal de Saõ Paulo.