1941 - 1950

Mario Perocco, Umbro Apollonio, Giuseppe Santomaso, Peggy Guggenheim, Emilio Vedova, Giuseppe Marchiori and Annabianca Vedova, Venice, anni ‘50

Mario Perocco, Umbro Apollonio, Giuseppe Santomaso, Peggy Guggenheim, Emilio Vedova, Giuseppe Marchiori and Annabianca Vedova, Venice, anni ‘50



Begins to frequent All'Angelo in Venice, a restaurant which was becoming a rendezvous for artists of the avant-garde. Here he meets Peggy Guggenheim: “One day in 1947 a lady with a repertory of Pekinese dogs sat down out of the blue at my table. She had my name scrawled on a cigarette packet. She spoke American – if only she had spoken French!... I could hardly understand a word she said. But Santomaso, as always with his ears pricked, appeared out of nowhere and called me over, asking “Who’s that with you? ... I saw a look of amazement, dismay even, come over his face and he gasped: “Guggenheim? – the big American collector?!”*

* Emilio Vedova, Pagine di diario, Galleria Blu Editrice, Milan, 1961