“Intolleranza ‘60”, Teatro La Fenice, Venezia, 1961. Ph Cameraphoto, Venezia
1961 - 1963
Philadelphia, Commercial Museum, Modern Mosaics of Ravenna, 21/01 – 27/03/1961; itinerante: New York, Museum of Contemporary Crafts, 30/03 – 14/05/1961; Allentown, Allentown Art Museum, 01/06/ - 15/07/1961; Hagerstown, Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, 20/07 – 30/08/1961; Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Art, 22/09 – 15/10/1961; Chicago, The arts club of Chicago, 03/11 – 30/11/1961; Syracuse, Everson Museum of Art, 15/12 - 22/01/1962
New York, World House Galleries, Venice Biennale Prize-Winners 1960, 14/02 – 04/03/1961; itinerante: Milwaukee, Milwaukee Art Center, Venice Biennale Prize-Winners 1960, 11/05 – 11/06/1961; Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 01/07 – 15/08/1961; Chicago, McCormick Place Art Gallery, 01/09 – 30/09/1961; Syracuse, Everson Museum of Art, 15/10 - 15/11/1961
København, Louisiana Museum, Italiensk kunst I dag, 03/1961; itinerante: Oslo, Kunstnernes Hus, 09/05 – 11/06/1961; Göteborg, Kunstmuseum Göteborg, 21/06 - 23/07/1961
Venezia, Teatro La Fenice, Intolleranza 1960, 13/04/1961,
Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum, Salute to Italy, 100 Years of Italian Art 1861-1961, 21/04 - 28/05/1961
Tokyo, Metropolitan Art Gallery, The VI Tokyo Biennale 1961, 10/05 - 30/05/1961
Ljubljana, Moderna Galerija, 4. Mednarodna grafična razstava, 11/06/1961 - 15/09/1961
Venezia, Galleria del Cavallino, 500a mostra del Cavallino, 20/06 - 03/07/1961
Torino, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Peintres d’Aujourd’hui. France - Italie, 09 - 11/1961
Wiesbaden, Städtisches Museum, Italienische Maler und Bildhauer, 08/04 - 03/06/1962
Mockbá, stand al parco Sokolniki, Rassegna d’arte italiana contemporanea, 28/05 - 12/06/1962
Venezia, Ca’ Pesaro, XXXI Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d’Arte, 16/06 - 07/10/1962
Dublin, National College of Art, Irish Exhibition of Living Art, 01/08 - 08/09/1962
Wien, Museum des 20 Jahrhundersts, Kunst von 1900 bis heute, 21/09 - 04/11/1962
Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art, 3 International Biennial Exhibition of Prints, 06/10 - 11/11/1962; itinerante: Osaka, Municipal Museum of Art, 3 International Biennial Exhibition of Prints, 06/01 - 17/02/1963
München, Haus der Kunst, Herbstsalon, 10/11 - 16/12/1962
Zagreb, Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti, 40 Suvremenih Venecijanskin Slikara, 04/12 - 25/12/1962
Melbourne, Georges Art Gallery, Contemporary Italian Paintings, 26/02 – 14/03/1963; itinerante: Sydney, David Jones Art Gallery, 10/04 – 22/04/1963; Ibrisbane, sles Art Gallery, 08/05 – 15/05/1963; Adelaide, Bonython Art Gallery, 27/05 – 10/06/1963; Mildura, Mildura City Art Gallery, 21/06 – 18/07/1963; Perth, Skinner Art Gallery, 14/08 - 23/08/1963
Ankara, 50 anni di pittura veneziana, 1913-1963, 04 – 05/1963; itinerante: Istanbul, 04 - 05/1963
Amsterdam, Stadelijk Museum, Schrift en beeld. Art and writing. Shrift und Bild, 03/05/1963 - 10/06/1963: itinerante: Brisbane, Finney; Baden Baden, Staatliche Kunstalle, 14/06 - 04/08/1963
Ljubljana, Moderna Galerija, 5. Mednarodna grafična razstava, 09/06 - 15/09/1963
Ivrea, Centro Culturale Olivetti, Gli artisti di Corrente, 17/06 – 07//07/1963; itinerante: Verona, Palazzo della Gran Guardia, 07 – 08/1963; Milano, Villa Reale, Gli artisti di Corrente, 25/09 - 20/10/1963
Buenos Aires, Galeria De Arte Rubio, De Chirico - Vedova, Pinturas de la Coleccion Acquarone, 02/07 - 13/07/1963
São Paulo, Museo do Arte Moderna, Artistas Italianos de Hoje, 7° Bienal do Museu de arte moderna de São Paulo, 09 - 12/1963
Graz, Kunstlerhaus, Trigon 63. Marelei und Plastik der Gegenwart aus Italien, Jugoslawien, Osterreich, 14/09 - 06/10/1963
Buenos Aires, Museu de Artes Visuales - Instituto Torquato Di Tella, Colección Torcuato Di Tella, 20/09 – 27/10/1963
Beirut, Peintres italiens d’aujourd’hui, 10/12 – 20/12/1963; itinerante: Damascus, Musée national, 01/1964; Teheran, Istituto italiano di cultura, 22/02/1964 - ; Ankara, Musée archeologique, 26/03/1964 - ; Tunisi, Maison de la culture, 19/05 - 31/05/1964